
Vibram FiveFingers Kids KSO giveaway [Competition closed]

Shoes begin the process of shaping our feet from a young age.  If we force our children into overly structured, heavily cushioned trainers, they will pay the price of arch issues, sore knees, and weak muscles as the move into their teenage years. Eventually the trainers will cause so much damage that they will eventually hang up their trainers and head away from a fit and healthy life.

All we ask if that you do not force shoes on your kids. Certainly there are times when society says you have to wear shoes, but there are plenty of other times when shoes are optional. Let you kids go barefoot whenever possible. They will thank you for it!

With summer approaching, is giving away 20 pairs of Kids KSO Vibram FiveFingers. Kids KSO allow your children’s feet to function naturally, as if they were barefoot, while protecting your kids feet.

To get your hands on a pair, post on Facebook a photo of you and your child getting barefoot together. ( alternatively you can email the photo to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This is our attempt at photography. Special thanks to my barefoot models, Kasey, Ben and Alannah.

Feet Together

Terms and conditions apply.

Must be original photo (ie you must take the photo of you and your childs feet, not copy from the web)

Free pairs are to be collected from our nearest retailer to your location

You can post as many photos as you and your child want, but only one free pair per address/person.

Sizes available 29-34. While stocks last.


[Competition closed July 2012]


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